Medicaid Eligibility Planning

Medicaid is a federal program that is administered differently by each individual state. Medicaid provides low-cost or free healthcare to qualifying individuals. Medicaid is often the only option for long-term care coverage. However, eligibility requirements are strict, and most people do not qualify for Medicaid without prior planning. Unfortunately, improper planning or no planning will cause individuals to spend most or all of their saved-up assets on medical bills and nursing home bills.

If you or a loved one need, or anticipate needing long-term care in a nursing home facility, I can help determine what actions can be taken and what options are available to help protect and preserve assets. Medicaid planning can prevent you or your loved one from being responsible for nursing home bills that can easily exceed $10,000 a month. The earlier you reach out to an attorney to evaluate your unique situation, the better chances you have at saving assets while also qualifying for benefits and receiving proper medical care.

Medicaid eligibility requirements and rules are complex and constantly changing. The application and review process alone is stressful and takes months. Unfortunately, minor mistakes in an application are typically irreversible and will cause a denial of benefits, potentially for an extended period of time. This can be devastating for a family’s finances and negatively impact the health and comfort of the person applying for benefits. An elder law attorney can make the process as stress free as possible for you and your loved ones. I take an individual approach to every client’s situation based on their wishes and available assets. I help each client structure their assets in a way that preserves and protects as much as possible while also ensuring the highest possibility of being approved for Medicaid benefits.